Banking Software Development Guide: Development process, tech, trends

The global economy is fragile due to various factors, including supply chain disruptions, inflation, tightening monetary policies, China vs USA wrestle over Taiwan and Russian invasion of Ukraine. Geopolitical risks, deglobalization, and changes in payment systems are leading to a new economic order.


Deloitte’s analytics lay it straight: “Global GDP growth in 2024 is likely to be muted at best—barely above 3%, compared to 6% in 2023. 

Good news: both US and European banks withstood rigorous stress-tests at the highest level. For example, US banking system “have sufficient capital to absorb more than $600 billion in losses,” which exceeds loan losses attributed to 2008-2009 financial crisis. 

In short — the economy is in the recession, the future is unstable, but US and European banking systems have accumulated enough “fat” to last through a lean season. 

Resilience. Margin of safety. That’s why digital banking service market is so competitive now. And if you plan to enter it, let alone, disrupt it, you need to do it right — hit the trend, offer what’s necessary and build an efficient software development process to roll out the product faster than the competition. 

For easier navigation through this article on banking applications and software, use this outline:

  1. Banking industry trends
  2. The timeline of fintech explosion
  3. Types of modern banking software
  4. Key technologies in banking software development
  5. Banking software features
  6. The importance of UI/UX in banking app and web development
  7. Finance software development lifecycle
  8. Final thoughts

Let’s start with a reality check on the trends that will drive the industry in the upcoming years. 

Too many software projects fail due to not aligning with current industry trends. In fact, nearly 70% of tech projects face challenges when not updated with the latest market insights. Make sure your software development plan isn’t just technically sound, but also relevant and timely. Here’s what you need to know before assembling a financial software development team.

No matter the changes, challenges and developments, financial industry is first of all depends on what is going on in a banking sector. 

Retail Banking

  • There’s a growing competition among card issuers, with 23% of US consumers likely to switch their primary cards in the next two years.
  • The rise of super apps and non-card payment options, such as “buy now, pay later” (BNPL), are also influencing the market.

Commercial Banking

  • Despite having a loyal client base, commercial banks face competition and need to respond to changing macroeconomic forces and corporate customer needs.
  • For big players, opportunities come from financing the transition to a carbon-neutral future (complex, costly, challenging for smaller operators).

Transaction Banking

  • Demand for cash management services is on an upswing, signaling profits over profits.
  • However, the geopolitical landscape, marked by its unpredictable nature, is reshuffling the deck for cross-border payments.

KMPG offers a comprehensive vision for those interested in making money on banking software projects or software development services in this sector.

Adoption of Cloud and API Technologies in Online Banking

  • Commercial banks are partnering with modern infrastructure providers to transform legacy technology.
  • 68% are already monetizing API development and plan to intensify the use of this tech.
  • An additional 20% are planning to do so in the next 12 months.

AI and Machine Learning

  • AI and ML will help sales and marketing teams identify prospects, predict customer needs, enable dynamic deal pricing, and automate decision-making processes.
  • Respondents KPMG addressed rank AI as the most important technology to differentiate themselves in the commercial banking market.

Distributed Ledger in Commercial Banking

  • The next 10 years are likely to see a shift from centralized to decentralized systems.
  • Blockchain-based trade finance networks help commercial banks eliminate operational friction and reduce fraud.

Continuing analyzing KPMG take on the banking landscape, let’s summarize the general trends that may be relevant for finance software development in 2024 and beyond.

A Successful Connected Enterprise

  • Banks need to adapt to a connected operating model to approach change effectively.
  • High maturity commercial banks that invest in specific capabilities are more likely to develop compelling customer value propositions, harness data and analytics, and operate efficiently.

Small and Medium-Size Enterprises (SME) Segment

  • SMEs play a significant role in global economies, especially in developing markets.
  • They remain an underserved segment, so if you plan to develop a banking project with a swift rollout and limited budget, this may be your target audience. 

Future Business Models

  • Banks are expected to evolve into platforms, providing a mix of business products and services. Investing in the digital banking should always go side by side with readiness to scale. 
  • Three dominant business models are anticipated: the reimagined digital commercial bank, Banking-as-a-Service models, and platform providers.
  • Banks should focus on innovating relationship models, transitioning to new ecosystems, transforming operating models, and delivering services supported by AI.


  • Sustainability and ethics in business operations can significantly enhance customer trust.
  • Banks are focusing on green finance products and considering ESG and climate risk in their decisions.

Do you know those timelines, where they point “you are here!” and continue with some predictions? Let’s do just that before moving to the ins and outs of a particular software development project. To make sure we understand where this story goes, let’s see how the digital finance market appeared and developed.

The Growth of the Fintech Market and Digital Banking Industry

The fintech sector has seen more twists and turns than a prime-time soap opera, and with the same level of drama. Here are some snippets of numerous banking software development and general fintech industry twists.

A Timeline of the Fintech Explosion

  • 2008. The Global financial crisis. Traditional banks lost the ground and fintech startups got their heads up, looking to capitalize on the overall confusion and bring innovation.
  • 2013. Bitcoin’s price gets to $1,000 for the first time, starting the good, the bad and the ugly of the cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology era. Suddenly, everyone and their grandma wanted in on “magic Internet money.”
  • 2015. China’s Ant Financial, the behemoth behind Alipay, reaches $45 billion value. West gets reminded once again that fintech is not just a buzzword, it’s a lucrative industry. And it’s time to move fast. 
  • 2018. Global fintech investments double to a whopping $55 billion. Everyone wanted a slice of the fintech pie.
  • 2019. Digital-only banks like Revolut, Monzo, and N26 start gaining traction. They operate without any brick-and-mortar branches and challenge the big traditional banks with their user-friendly services and low fees.
  • 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic forces everyone online. Digital payments and neobanking see a massive boost as people avoid physical contact. Fintech solutions go from being a nice-to-have to essential.
  • 2021. Decentralized finance or DeFi takes off. Platforms that let people lend, borrow, or trade without middlemen grow popular. By year-end, DeFi has over $40 billion in assets, showing the world that blockchain’s potential goes beyond just cryptocurrencies.
  • 2022. Fintech booms in places like India, Brazil, and Nigeria. New startups and apps pop up, giving many people their first taste of modern financial services, bridging the gap left by traditional banks.
  • 2023. Governments and institutions worldwide start setting rules for fintech to make sure it’s safe but still innovative. The world starts seeing fintech not just as a trend, but as the new norm in finance.

And here we are, strategizing about banking software you want to develop that hopefully will disrupt the market and make such a list in a few years. What should it get rid of not to bring the cons of traditional banks into the new world? Let’s see.

What Was/Is Wrong with Traditional Banks?

  • Legacy systems. While fintechs were built for the digital age, many banks still relied on technology that was older than the first “Die Hard.” Some of them still are.
  • Risk aversion. Banks, with their stringent regulations and conservative nature, often ignore innovation. In the effort to increase security, they also don’t invest in state-of-the-art sec systems and quality tests, jeopardizing account safety.
  • UX. If banking apps were rated on user-friendliness, some apps rolled out by traditional banks would rank just above “trying to assemble IKEA furniture blindfolded.” In contrast, modern fintech solutions are designed from scratch with the user in mind, prioritizing seamless experiences over bureaucratic hurdles.

Truth to say, big legacy financial institutions catch up rather fast. They cannot act fully like startups and smaller companies, but they successfully incorporate some of the approaches to their benefit:


“A larger organization that understands its processes and systems can make more significant releases. For example, a big legacy bank wants fintech to engage more with users. They know how the system works; it is just a question of putting a user-friendly Front-End on.

While a startup — new and fresh, something no one has seen before, needs constant checks on where and how to evolve. Big financial players use MVP to show what is going on, and startups use MVP to learn and define where they are going.”

Bruce Mason, Delivery and UK Director in QArea 

In essence, while traditional banks were busy fumbling with outdated tech and red tape, fintechs were sprinting ahead, capitalizing on modern tech and changing consumer expectations. It’s like comparing a horse-drawn carriage to a Tesla. And we all know who wins that race.

Types of Banking: Traditional vs Digital 

AspectTraditional BanksThe ChallengeDigital Transformation SolutionPotential Gain
Customer ServiceBranch visits, paper-based services, call centersInefficient, time-consuming, limited reachDigital platforms, chatbots, 24/7 online serviceGreater customer retention, increased satisfaction
Transaction MethodsPrimarily physical: checks, cash, in-branch transfersSlower processing times, higher costsMobile banking, instant transfers, digital walletsReduced costs, faster operations
Data HandlingManual data entry, limited analyticsInaccurate predictions, slower decision-makingAI-driven analytics, real-time data processingImproved decision-making, tailored offerings
OutreachLimited to branch locations, regional focusLimited market penetration, higher operational costsGlobal reach via online platforms, app-based servicesAccess to global markets, increased customer base
InnovationInfrequent, often reactive rather than proactiveFalling behind in the competitive landscapeAgile methodologies, continuous R&D, quick pivotingStaying ahead of competitors, capturing new markets
Operational CostsHigh due to physical infrastructures, manual processesReduced profit margins, scalability issuesCloud-based solutions, automationSignificant cost savings, scalable operations

And now let’s talk numbers, and how these numbers can reward those investing in quality and innovative banking software solution. 

  • Operational efficiency and savings. As banks benefit from custom software development, operational costs are taking a nosedive. For example, a digital transaction costs a fraction of its physical counterpart. JPMorgan Chase and Oliver Wyman reported that central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) could cut company transaction costs by almost $100 billion annually.
  • Revenue growth and new opportunities. Goldman Sachs’ digital bank, Marcus, is a testament to the revenue possibilities. Within its initial 18 months, Marcus secured over $50 billion in deposits. When traditional banks choose to benefit from a software product, they could unlock untapped revenue streams.
  • Customer base expansion. The global fintech adoption rate, according to EY, leaped from 16% in 2015 to 64% in 2019. For banks, this implies an expanding customer base, only if they can offer the seamless digital experience these users seek.
  • Mitigated risks and improved returns. AI and data analytics aren’t just buzzwords. They offer banks a smarter way to assess risks. A study by Autonomous Research highlighted that banks could leverage AI to save up to $1 trillion by 2030 through improved efficiency and reduced risks.

These are inspiring examples of how financial institutions can benefit from innovative app development — be it a mobile banking application, document management software or any other digital banking service you want to launch. 

It seems a good moment to discuss different types of banking software applications, so let’s have at it. 

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Different Types of Banking Software Applications

No matter which type of software you want to build, you will see that every solution has its problems, and having a right software development partner can help with solutions. 

1/10 Core Banking Software (Systems) (CBS)

Centralized systems that support a bank’s most common transactions and accounts across different branches. A set of services offered by a bank’s central system, which includes managing accounts, loans, and financial transactions. Essentially, it’s the bank’s backbone, ensuring operations run smoothly and efficiently.

  • Often built on enterprise platforms like Java EE or .NET.
  • Require robust databases (like Oracle DB, Microsoft SQL Server) to handle vast transactional data.


  • Temenos T24 Transact. A popular CBS used worldwide that offers rich functionality and modular design.
  • Oracle FLEXCUBE. Another widely adopted system known for its scalability and resilience.

Key problems

Many banks still operate on legacy systems, which are outdated software platforms or technologies. These systems are not only slow and less efficient, but they also pose security risks. Moreover, as the financial world becomes more digital, these systems struggle to integrate with newer technologies, causing operational hitches.

Potential approach

APIs are becoming fundamental. They allow seamless integration between different software systems, offering flexibility and enhancing UX. By moving towards an API-centric approach, banks can easily incorporate new features, connect with third-party services, and ensure a smoother, more integrated banking experience for their customers.

2/10 Online Banking Platforms

Online Banking Platforms are software platforms designed to empower online and mobile banking activities. They give customers the convenience to access their bank accounts, manage finances, and execute transactions through digital means, anytime and anywhere. Mobile banking solutions — mobile-specific solutions cater to the ever-growing segment of customers who primarily bank via their smartphones — are the subsets of online platforms. 

  • Typically built with a microservices’ architecture to ensure scalability and agility.
  • Incorporate modern web technologies (like React or Angular) for responsive interfaces.


  • Backbase. A leading omnichannel banking platform that facilitates digital transformation for many banks.
  • Infosys Finacle Digital Banking Suite. Offers a wide range of digital banking capabilities, including e-wallets and QR code payments.

Key problems

There’s a constant challenge to balance user-friendly interfaces with robust security measures. Additionally, with the proliferation of digital banking solutions, creating a distinctive and intuitive user experience becomes crucial.

Potential approach

Embracing modular and flexible design principles can help. By  using API-driven integrations and focusing on continuous UX enhancements, online banking platforms can stay ahead, offering both security and ease of use to their customers.

3/10 Payment Gateways

This software helps process online payments, acting as the middleman between merchants and the payment processors. 

  • Requires strong encryption methods (like SSL certificates) to ensure transactional security.
  • Integration capabilities with APIs to work seamlessly with various e-commerce platforms.


  • Stripe. Renowned for its developer-friendly APIs and comprehensive toolkit.
  • PayPal’s Braintree. Offers customizable checkout experiences and global payment options.

Key problems

Not all payment gateways easily integrate with various e-commerce platforms or banking systems, leading to potential hitches in transactions. Occasionally, transactions may not go through due to various reasons, causing inconvenience to users. On the client side, some payment gateways charge significant fees, making them less favorable for merchants, especially small ones.

Potential approach

When evaluating or developing a payment gateway, focus on its adaptability. The digital commerce ecosystem is vast, and a gateway’s ability to choose payment gateways that prioritize API-driven integrations, implement mechanisms to handle transaction failures gracefully, offering alternatives or ensuring quick resolution for the end-users. Think about a clear, competitive, transparent fee structure for the gateway. 

4/10 Customer Relationship Management Software for Banks

It is designed to systematically manage, assess, and optimize customer interactions and data. The overarching goal is to elevate business relationships, ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty, while also refining internal operational processes.

  • Integration with other banking systems for data pooling.
  • Utilizes data analytics and machine learning to provide insights on customer behavior.


  • Salesforce Financial Services Cloud. Tailored for banking with AI-driven insights to personalize customer experiences.
  • Finastra Fusion CRM. A bank-specific CRM emphasizing customer retention and cross-selling opportunities.

Key problems

The dynamic nature of customer behavior means the CRM system must constantly evolve to address changing preferences and needs. Also, with multiple touchpoints for customers, collating cohesive and comprehensive data can be a challenge, leading to potential missed opportunities.

Potential approach
Using AI and machine learning to anticipate customer needs may help provide timely and personalized offers or solutions. It is also beneficial to integrate various data sources, ensuring a 360-degree view of the customer.

5/10 Banking Analytics Platforms

Platforms that analyze vast amounts of banking data to derive actionable insights and optimize decision-making processes. These platforms enable banks to predict future trends, make informed decisions, and refine their overall strategy.

  • Implementation of big data technologies (like Hadoop and Spark).
  • Advanced AI and machine learning algorithms for predictive analytics.


  • SAS Banking Analytics. Helps banks in risk management, customer intelligence, and fraud mitigation.
  • TIBCO Spotfire. A data visualization tool popular in the banking environment for its real-time analytics capabilities.

Key problems

With the influx of massive data sets, it becomes challenging to sort, analyze, and derive meaningful insights efficiently. Handling sensitive financial data requires adherence to stringent regulations, which can be daunting. Also, banking analytics platforms might face difficulties in seamlessly integrating with existing systems, leading to data silos or inaccurate insights.

Potential approach
Implement tools and practices that prioritize relevant data, filtering out noise and ensuring efficient processing. Regularly update the platform to align with the latest data protection standards and conduct periodic audits. Finally, opt for platforms that support robust API-driven integrations, ensuring consistent data flow and reducing silos.

6/10 ATM Software

These software systems handle a variety of tasks: cash withdrawals, deposits, account balance inquiries, and more, providing customers 24/7 access to their bank accounts. They are also crucial in delivering banking services to areas where physical bank branches might be scarce or non-existent.

  • Built on robust, secure architectures to ensure transactional safety, particularly since ATMs are standalone entities often located in public places.
  • Incorporate multi-layered security measures, including encryption and anti-skimming technologies, to guard against potential fraud and physical attacks.


  • NCR APTRA. A suite of ATM solutions designed for enhancing the consumer experience, optimizing device and network performance.
  • Diebold Nixdorf Vynamic. Offers both consumer banking and teller automation, is known for its security and advanced transaction capabilities.

Key problems

The physical nature of ATMs makes them susceptible to skimming, hacking, and other forms of unauthorized access. The development of banking technology is good for clients, but makes it challenging for ATM software products to seamlessly communicate with core banking systems. 

Potential approach

Focus on proactive security measures, including regular software updates and advanced threat detection systems. Prioritize collaboration with core banking system providers for enhanced integration and optimized real-time transactional data flow. Implementing remote monitoring and management capabilities can also help in timely maintenance.

7/10 Loan Origination Systems (LOS)

This software handles the end-to-end journey of a loan application, from the initial customer inquiry and processing of their financial information, to the final loan disbursement. Lending field is increasingly competitive, and LOS play a big role in speeding up decision-making, reducing errors, and optimizing the overall lending experience.

  • Typically built on scalable architectures to handle a varying load of loan applications.
  • Incorporate advanced data analytics for real-time credit scoring, risk assessment, and fraud detection.


  • Ellie Mae’s Encompass. A leading LOS known for its all-in-one approach, covering CRM, loan origination, and compliance management.
  • Black Knight’s Empower. An integrated system that supports retail, wholesale, and consumer-direct lending channels.

Key problems

With lending regulations frequently evolving, it is difficult to make sure that LOS are updated to remain compliant. For accurate risk assessment, LOS need to integrate with a multitude of external data sources, which comes with integration challenges. Different lenders have varying needs, and a one-size-fits-all LOS can often fall short.

Potential approach

Modular system architecture can help with easy updates and integration with new data sources. Risk assessment and fraud detection can be strengthened by automation and AI-enhanced solutions. Focus on custom software development will help to tailor a particular solution to the needs of a specific lender and their clients. 

Real-Life Case:

Synchronizing data across multiple organizations can be tricky. Thrift Plus 1 faced this when creating loan systems for various organizations. With borrowers potentially being linked to multiple entities, the risks of data duplication loomed large. Collaborating with QArea, this fintech front-runner from Oceania implemented a universal file repository — ensuring seamless profile synchronization across all platforms. Moreover, adapting to the unique data transfer protocols of local banks was a crucial success. Read more about the synchronization solution.

8/10 Digital Wallets & Peer-to-Peer Payment Platforms

Digital wallets store digital versions of credit and debit cards, allowing users to make electronic transactions, while P2P platforms facilitate direct money transfers between individuals without the need for intermediaries. In an increasingly cashless society, these platforms offer convenience and speed.

  • Typically, use cloud-based infrastructure to ensure availability, resilience, and scalability.
  • Emphasize end-to-end encryption, biometric authentication, and real-time fraud detection to ensure the safety of transactions.


  • Apple Pay. A digital wallet that allows users to make payments in person, in iOS apps, and on the web.
    • Venmo. A P2P payment platform popular among millennials for its social feed and user-friendly interface.

Key problems

The difference in international regulations, currency conversions and fees make cross-border transactions challenging. The growing number of digital wallets and P2P platforms, it is difficult to ensure that they can interact and transfer funds between each other. Also, digital wallets and P2P platforms are constant targets for cyberattacks.

Potential approach

Prioritize partnerships and integrations with international financial networks to ease cross-border transactions. Engage in industry collaborations to promote interoperability standards. Prioritize security in every phase of application development, and stay updated with the latest cybersecurity trends and threats.

9/10 Forex and Trading Platforms

Forex & Trading Platforms serve as the gateway for retail and institutional investors to the global financial markets. These platforms offer tools for trading a wide variety of assets, from currencies and commodities to stocks and bonds. The emphasis is on real-time data, comprehensive analysis tools, and a seamless trading experience, allowing users to make informed decisions swiftly. 

  • Generally built on a multi-tiered infrastructure, balancing the need for high-speed data processing and a robust, user-friendly interface.
  • Prioritize real-time data feeds, advanced charting tools, and algorithmic trading capabilities for seasoned traders.


  • MetaTrader 4 (MT4). Widely regarded as the industry standard for forex trading, it offers advanced technical analysis, a flexible trading system, and algorithmic trading tools.
  • Baraka. An investment and US stocks trading platform built to empower the next generation of Middle East investors. Qarea team worked on this project ensuring quality assurance and UX tailored to the specific needs of Gulf region clients.

Key problems

When it comes to trading, every millisecond counts. Delays in order execution can lead to significant losses for traders. Also, traders can be misled by inaccuracies in market data or lags in its update. Don’t forget that overly complicated interfaces can deter novice traders (reducing your client base) and even overwhelm the experienced ones. 

Potential approach

Invest in state-of-the-art server infrastructure and reliable data providers to minimize latency and ensure real-time market data accuracy. Rely on user-centric design principles to create intuitive interfaces that cater to both novice and expert traders. Regularly gather feedback from platform users to iterate and improve the UX.

Real-Life Case from QArea:

Even the most proficient in-house teams can benefit from external expertise, especially when the stakes are high. Take, for instance, POS systems — balancing reliability with intuitive design can be a delicate challenge. When a prominent European mobile banking service provider faced this very issue, they turned to us. Despite their formidable internal resources, they recognized the value of our specialized insights. Our QA team meticulously evaluated and refined their mobile POS interface, ensuring millions of users across Europe experienced a seamless transaction process. Here is how we achieved it: QA for POS Hardware & Mobile Banking Application.

10/10 Banking Chatbots & Virtual Assistants

Banking Chatbots & Virtual Assistants are AI-driven tools designed to simulate human conversation and assist bank customers in real-time. These digital entities cover various of banking needs, from checking account balances and transaction histories to guiding users through complex financial products and services. They aim to enhance the UX, provide instant responses, and significantly reduce customer service wait times.

  • Typically, developed using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to comprehend user requests and deliver appropriate responses.


  • Erica by Bank of America. An AI-driven virtual assistant that helps clients with their banking needs, offering proactive insights and guidance.
  • Eva by HDFC Bank. Virtual banking assistant that can answer millions of customer queries across multiple channels instantly.

Key problems

Even with advanced AI, chatbots can misinterpret user queries. Some chatbots may only handle basic tasks, forcing users to switch to human representatives for more complex queries. Also, it is challenging to make sure that chatbot interactions are secure and don’t expose sensitive customer data.

Potential approach

Regularly train the chatbot with new data sets to improve accuracy in understanding and responding to queries. Incorporate a smooth handoff mechanism to transfer a customer from the bot to a human representative when needed. Prioritize end-to-end encryption and regular security assessments.

Obviously, it is not an exhaustive list. There is Anti-Money-Laundering software, Risk Management software, Wealth Management platforms, Fraud Detection Systems and many others that we will cover in the upcoming articles. 

From the variety of banking solutions, let’s move to the key technologies that make them possible. 

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Key Tech in Bank Software Development: From Blockchain to Mobile Banking

The foundation of any banking software lies in its tech stack. It’s the machinery working behind the scenes, determining how efficiently a system runs, how well it scales during peak loads, and how secure it remains against cyber threats.

Frontend. Contemporary web applications lean on React or Angular for their flexibility and dynamic capabilities. For mobile platforms, Swift stands as the go-to for iOS, while Kotlin is the front runner for Android, each ensuring smooth user experiences and compatibility.

Backend. In the engine room, Node.js and Django are often the picks for their impressive scalability and robust performance metrics.

Database. Reliable data storage and quick retrieval are paramount in banking. PostgreSQL stands tall for its reliability, while MongoDB brings to the table its adaptability and schema-less design.

Here are some essential technologies in modern financial services software development.

Open Banking

Open banking is a system where banks and financial institutions share data with third-party providers through secure application programming interfaces (APIs). It democratizes the banking landscape by allowing consumers to share their financial data with third-party developers, which can then build innovative financial products around it. This fosters competition and innovation in the sector.


  • Consumer Control. It gives consumers greater control over their financial data, allowing them to access a wider range of financial services.
  • Innovation, By opening up data access, it spurs fintech innovation, leading to the creation of tailored financial products that can be more aligned with individual consumer needs.
  • Transparency. It promotes transparency in banking operations, enabling consumers to make informed decisions.

Underpinning Technology

  • APIs. Secure application programming interfaces are the backbone of open banking, facilitating the safe transfer of data between entities.

Problem it Addresses

  • Data Silos. Historically, banks operated in data silos, which limited innovation and consumer choice. Open banking breaks down these walls, ensuring more fluidity and choice in the financial ecosystem.

Cloud Banking

Cloud banking involves the migration of banking operations and data storage to cloud platforms, rather than relying on traditional physical data centers. These platforms are managed by third-party providers, allowing banks to operate more flexibly and scale resources based on demand.


  • Scalability. Cloud solutions are inherently scalable, allowing banks to expand or reduce resources as needed without significant capital outlays.
  • Cost-Efficiency. Reduces the need for maintaining large in-house IT infrastructures and teams. Operational costs become more predictable with pay-as-you-use models.
  • Resilience. Enhances disaster recovery capabilities, ensuring that data can be restored quickly in case of outages or breaches.

Underpinning Technology

  • Virtualization. At its core, cloud banking relies on virtualization technologies that create virtual versions of hardware platforms, storage devices, and network resources.
  • Platforms. Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure dominate the banking field.

Problem it Addresses

  • Infrastructure Limitations. Traditional IT infrastructure can be expensive to maintain and scale. Cloud banking eliminates the need for substantial upfront investments in hardware and ensures rapid adaptability to changing demands.

Blockchain in Banking

Blockchain refers to a decentralized and distributed ledger system that securely records transactions across multiple computers. It promises transparency, security, and tamper-proof data due to its cryptographic nature, making it increasingly attractive for banking applications.


  • Transparency. Each transaction on the blockchain is visible to every participant, ensuring accountability and trust.
  • Security. Due to its decentralized nature and cryptographic hashing, blockchain is resistant to malicious attacks and fraud.
  • Efficiency. Streamlines and automates processes, removing intermediaries, which can lead to faster and less expensive transactions.

Underpinning Technology:

  • Smart Contracts. Self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement written into code. They ensure that all conditions are met before a transaction is finalized.
  • Cryptographic Hashing. A method to secure data, ensuring each block in the chain remains unaltered and tamper-proof.
  • Platforms. Ethereum, Ripple, and Hyperledger, etc.

Problem it Addresses:

  • Trust Issues & Intermediaries. Traditional banking systems often involve multiple intermediaries, which can lead to increased costs and delays. Blockchain reduces the need for these intermediaries, promoting direct, transparent transactions and building inherent trust.

Mobile Banking

Mobile banking refers to the provision of banking services and financial transactions via mobile devices, typically smartphones and tablets. It allows users to access their bank accounts, pay bills, transfer money, check balances, and more without the need to visit a physical bank branch.


  • Convenience: Enables users to conduct banking activities anytime, anywhere, making financial management more accessible.
  • Real-time Access: Instant alerts, notifications, and real-time transaction history allow users to stay updated on their financial activities.
  • Innovation: Opens the door for features like mobile check deposits, peer-to-peer payments, and digital wallets, enhancing user experience.

Underpinning Technology:

  • Application Development: Platforms like Swift for iOS and Kotlin for Android are instrumental in developing responsive and user-friendly mobile banking apps.
  • Security Protocols: Technologies such as biometric authentication, two-factor authentication, and end-to-end encryption ensure the security of transactions and user data.
  • APIs: These enable the seamless integration of third-party services and features into the banking app, creating a more holistic banking environment.

Problem it Addresses:

  • Physical Limitations: Traditional banking required customers to visit branches for most services, which could be time-consuming and inconvenient. Mobile banking removes this barrier, offering a more immediate and user-centric approach to financial services.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) refer to systems that can learn from and make decisions based on data. In the banking sector, they’re employed to analyze large datasets, predict trends, enhance customer experiences, and optimize operations.


  • Personalization: Tailors banking services to individual customer needs by analyzing their behavior and preferences, resulting in more targeted product offerings and better customer experiences.
  • Efficiency & Automation: Automates routine tasks, such as customer support (via chatbots) and fraud detection, reducing human errors and operational costs.
  • Risk Management: Predictive analytics powered by ML can anticipate loan defaults, assess creditworthiness, and detect unusual transaction patterns, which aids in proactive risk mitigation.

Underpinning Technology:

  • Neural Networks: Complex structures used in deep learning to process and interpret vast amounts of data, enabling more accurate predictions and insights.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Allows systems to understand and respond to human language, powering chatbots and voice assistants in the banking sector.
  • Predictive Analytics: Uses historical data to predict future events, such as customer behaviors or market trends, aiding banks in strategic decision-making.

Problem it Addresses:

  • Human Limitations & Scalability: Manual data processing and customer service are time-consuming and error-prone. AI and ML provide scalable solutions that can handle vast amounts of data and customer interactions more efficiently and accurately.

Microservice Architecture in Banking

Microservice architecture is a design approach in which a single application is developed as a collection of loosely coupled, independently deployable services. Each service typically has a distinct function and communicates with other services over a network, often HTTP. In banking, this allows for more modular and scalable systems that can be updated or scaled piece-by-piece without affecting the entire application.


  • Flexibility: Enables banks to develop, deploy, or update specific services without overhauling the entire system.
  • Scalability: Banks can scale individual services based on demand, rather than scaling the entire application, resulting in optimized resource usage.
  • Resilience: If one service fails, it doesn’t necessarily bring down the whole system. This minimizes downtimes and enhances the overall system reliability.

Underpinning Technology:

  • Containerization (e.g., Docker): Allows each microservice to be packaged with all of its dependencies, ensuring consistency across different environments.
  • Orchestration Tools (e.g., Kubernetes): Manages and scales containers, ensuring that the right resources are allocated to each service.
  • Service Mesh (e.g., Istio): Facilitates service-to-service communications, ensuring that services can securely and efficiently interact with one another.

Problem it Addresses:

  • Monolithic Limitations: Traditional monolithic architectures can be cumbersome to update and scale. They can also become single points of failure. Microservice architecture breaks down these monoliths into manageable, independent components, fostering agility, and reducing risk.

Once the key tech for web or mobile app development is determined, time to check on the features you can add, to make your complex software product win over the clients’ hearts. As Sarah Hutchins, QA Strategist in Vinted, said in our recent interview, “If you fail to meet the needs, customers won’t find value in using the app. However, meeting their wants takes the application from necessary to a pleasure to use.” 

Best Banking Software Features Financial Institutions Should Keep in Mind

When planning or updating banking software, there are key features that financial institutions and software development companies must consider ensuring efficiency, user satisfaction, and a competitive edge. Let’s explore the most impactful ones.

Digital Onboarding financial software

Enabling customers to open an account, secure a loan, or embark on investments without visiting a bank branch is not just a luxury; it’s the new standard. This feature enhances user convenience, significantly boosting user sign-ups. But it’s not only about customer convenience. Banks can also significantly reduce their operational costs. To achieve this, integration with identity verification tools, top-notch data encryption, and streamlined digital KYC processes are crucial. Realizing this vision requires a dedicated team of developers, UX/UI designers, and a security expert, dedicating approximately 3–4 months to ensure everything works seamlessly.

Mobile Wallet Integration

With mobile wallet integration, users can effortlessly store virtual money, make a tap-to-pay purchase, or send money on the go. It’s a feature that can boost transaction rates and keep users coming back. Achieving this involves weaving in NFC technology, QR code capabilities, and syncing up with reliable third-party payment gateways. Crafting such a feature takes the combined skills of mobile app developers, payment gateway specialists, and security experts, with a timeline settling around 4–5 months to get it just right.

AI-Powered Financial Advisory

AI-powered financial advisory systems tailor advice to each user, making sense of their behaviors and the broader market trends. It’s not just about nudging users to invest; it’s about earning their trust, guiding them towards sound financial decisions, and in turn, driving up the bank’s revenues. Bringing this feature to life means melding machine learning models with data analytics tools and tapping into real-time market data through APIs. It’s a collaborative dance between data scientists, backend developers, and financial analysts, and the entire choreography can take a span of around 5–6 months to perfect.

Real-time Notifications and Alerts

With real-time notifications and alerts, users stay updated on their account activities, get the latest financial news, and catch wind of special offers. It’s not just about keeping them informed; it’s a way to drive app engagement, uphold transparency, and open doors for selling more services. Crafting this feature requires a concoction of in-app notification systems, SMS gateways, and email alert mechanisms. The team behind this magic? Mobile and web developers teamed up with integration whizzes. And the best part? It might just take a swift 2-3 months to get everything up and running.

Biometric Security Enhancements

With biometric security enhancements, banking apps elevate their safety game. Users can utilize their unique fingerprint, facial features, or even voice patterns to ensure unauthorized access is a thing of the past. It’s a significant step that not only amplifies user trust, but actively combats fraudulent activities. The tech trick? Seamlessly integrating biometric SDKs and APIs into existing mobile apps or web platforms. Pulling this off usually involves a collaboration between security buffs and dedicated mobile banking app developers, with a timeline stretching around 3 – 4 months.

P2P Lending Platform

P2P lending platforms allow users can lend or borrow money directly from their peers. This isn’t just a fancy feature; it’s a gateway to an entirely new revenue stream, offering banks a chance to diversify their portfolio offerings. But it’s not as simple as it sounds. A sturdy foundation requires the development of a sharp matching algorithm, an intelligent credit scoring system, and a fortress-like transaction platform. Who’s behind this marvel? A versatile team of developers, sharp-eyed financial analysts, and those ever-so-crucial security experts. The journey to launch? A substantial 6–8 months, but the results are worth the wait.

The Importance of UI/UX in Banking Application Development

Imagine walking into a bank — the walls are drab, the layout confusing, and you can’t quite figure out where the counter is. That’s the physical equivalent of a poorly designed banking software. In contrast, an inviting space with clear signage, a friendly atmosphere, and efficient service would not only make your experience pleasant but also ensure you’re more likely to return. The same principles apply to banking software.

Why It Matters

The heart of UX design in banking lies in its potential to create smooth interactions between users and their financial tools. A thoughtfully designed interface can be the difference between a user sticking around or switching to a competitor. The true essence of UX design extends beyond aesthetics. It encompasses usability, visual appeal, interaction dynamics, and information flow. When done right, it fosters trust and loyalty, boosting a bank’s revenue and customer base.

Covering Customer Needs

Digital banking has morphed from a luxury to a necessity. Today’s users expect their banking software to be intuitive, personalized, and above all, secure.

  1. Easy Navigation. Simplicity is the key. A clean, straightforward design ensures users can carry out tasks effortlessly.
  2. Personal Touch. Using data analytics, banks can offer tailored suggestions, nudging customers towards relevant services and opportunities.
  3. Uncompromised Security. Given the sensitive nature of banking, robust security measures are non-negotiable.

To design a compelling banking platform and offer excellent services to customers, it’s crucial to first understand your users. Preliminary research, combined with client interviews, can reveal invaluable insights. And once a design is proposed, rigorous testing is essential to refine and perfect the interface.

A Nod to Inclusivity

Modern banking is for everyone. Thus, ensuring digital platforms cater to a diverse user base, including the differently abled and the elderly, isn’t just a social responsibility—it’s a business imperative. Innovations like talking ATMs and screen readers help realize this commitment. Make sure that when you come up with custom banking software idea, you don’t only think about generalized “middle class, able, tech proficient male/female,” because such “personas” don’t work anymore. 

Quick Take on Stages of Finance Software Development

Just as a bank wouldn’t function without a structured system, a well-thought-out plan is crucial for creating effective banking software. Let’s journey through the stages involved in banking software and mobile banking app development:

  1. Requirement Analysis. This foundational stage is all about understanding the unique needs of the banking environment. Software developers, stakeholders, and potential users converge to discuss the software’s objectives, intended banking functions, and the financial challenges it aims to address. It answers the “What?” and “Why?” of the banking software project.
  2. Planning. Equipped with the requirements, the next step is to outline the “How?”. This is the phase where timelines are set, resources identified, and budgets allocated. It’s a strategic juncture where the feasibility of the banking software is evaluated.
  3. Design. Think of this as sketching the blueprint for a bank’s digital interface. Based on the requirements, a prototype is crafted detailing how the software or mobile banking app will look and operate. This stage prioritizes user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) to guarantee a seamless banking experience.
  4. Development. Software developers dive deep into coding, using various programming languages and tools to develop the banking software, ensuring it meets the complex and secure demands of the financial sector.
  5. Testing. Banking software, given its critical nature, undergoes rigorous testing. Every feature is checked for bugs, errors, or inconsistencies. It’s imperative that the software performs impeccably, especially when handling sensitive financial data.


One of the common challenges in Fintech QA projects is uncertainty. Priorities shift, requirements change, delays occur and as a result the agreed QA schedule gets affected. A way to counter this is assigning additional resources at the onboarding phase of a project, so you have a couple of “extra” QAs. They can switch to other projects once the onboarding is done. But if someone from the “core” team goes on a vacation or the workload increases drastically, they can return and save the day.”

Mykhailo Tomara, QA Team Lead

  1. Deployment. Once thoroughly tested, the software is launched for banking customers. It might be introduced as a mobile banking app available for download, a web platform, or integrated into existing banking systems.
  2. Maintenance. Regular updates, tweaks, and enhancements are necessary to keep the software or mobile banking app attuned to changing financial regulations, user preferences, and technological advancements.

If you want to fully grasp the sequence and complexity of software development cycle, check on this comprehensive article

Costing and Budgeting for Banking Software Development: A Comprehensive Insight

Developing banking software is an investment in digital infrastructure, enhancing service delivery, user experience, and competitive positioning. Understanding the cost implications is crucial to align the project with budgetary constraints while ensuring functionality and security. Let’s delve into the financial side of banking software development.

Factors Affecting Development Costs

  • Complexity. The broader the functionality spectrum, the higher the costs. Basic mobile banking apps will be less expensive than a comprehensive online banking system with advanced features like AI-driven financial advisory or biometric security.
  • Team’s geographical location. Developer rates can vary significantly based on their location. For instance, in the US, a software developer might charge between $100 and $150 per hour. In contrast, Eastern European developers offer competitive rates ranging from $30 to $50 per hour.
  • Development time. If you cram too many features even at the MVP stage, the development coast will seriously inflate. If you choose an experienced banking software development company, they will guide you through and help balance the number of features with the budget you have.
  • Security requirements. Banking apps demand robust security, and it may be rather costIy, but non-negotiable considering all the domain regulations.
  • Integration with existing systems. Often, it is cheaper to create a bigger, more complex software from scratch than to connect a smaller app with  with legacy banking systems. Layers of complexity also add costs.
  • Maintenance and updates. Post-launch costs for maintenance, updates, and potential scalability should be factored into the total budget.

Approximate Prices for Specific Features

  • Basic mobile banking app. A simple app with standard features (account overview, transaction history, transfers) might cost between $50,000 (Eastern Europe) to $200,000 (US).
  • Biometric security enhancements. Implementing fingerprint or facial recognition could add anywhere from $10,000 (Eastern Europe) to $40,000 (US) to your total cost.
  • AI-Powered financial advisory. Integrating AI algorithms and tools can push the cost by an additional $20,000 (Eastern Europe) to $80,000 (US).
  • Real-time notifications and alerts. This feature could add $5,000 (Eastern Europe) to $20,000 (US).

(Note: These are rough estimates and can vary based on the project’s specific requirements. We have a big and detailed article on developemnt costs, you should check it out.)

Considerations for Budgeting and Cost-saving

  • Prioritize features. Not all features need to be rolled out in version 1.0. Prioritize essential features and gradually introduce others in subsequent updates.
  • Outsource strategically. Consider leveraging the expertise of developers in regions like Eastern Europe, which offers a blend of skill and cost-effectiveness.
  • Use open-source tools. There are numerous reliable open-source tools available that can reduce development costs without compromising quality.
  • Rely on iterative development. Adopting methodologies like Agile can help in releasing MVP (Minimum Viable Product) versions, gathering user feedback, and making informed financial decisions on future iterations.
  • Check on QA Testing in Eastern Europe. QA (Quality Assurance) testing is pivotal. Given the cost-effectiveness of Eastern European QA testers, who might charge between $20 and $35 per hour, this could be a strategic move to ensure quality while managing costs.

Final Thoughts on Banking Software Development Strategy

Banking and technology have grown hand in hand, reshaping how we handle money in the digital age. At its core, the success of modern banking software lies in understanding the user. It’s about making apps and platforms that are easy, enjoyable, and secure to use.

The blend of the right features, technology, and a solid development plan is the recipe for success. But always remember, amidst all the tech talk, the human touch matters most. As we venture forward, let’s prioritize the people we serve and the experiences we aim to provide. It’s not just about banking smarter; it’s about banking with heart.



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Sasha B., Senior Copywriter at QArea

A commercial writer with 12 years of experience. Focuses on content for IT, IoT, robotics, AI and neuroscience-related companies. Open for various tech-savvy writing challenges. Speaks four languages, joins running races, plays tennis, reads sci-fi novels.

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Web App Development

Web App Development

Reach out to an even wider audience with a custom, widely accessible web app.

Corporate Website Development

Corporate Website Development

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MVP Development

MVP Development

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SaaS Development

SaaS Development

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Testing & QA

Testing & QA

Make sure the quality of your solution meets your expectations.

UI/UX Design

UI/UX Design

Beat the competition with a modern, breathtaking & user-friendly design.



Create stunning, highly functional, and easily scalable front-end solutions.



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Finance & Banking

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