


Joomla, one of world’s best-known content management systems provides solutions to everybody from common users to businesses of all shapes and sizes. 7.2% of websites which have any content management systems implemented choose Joomla and that means 2.9% of the entire World Wide Web runs on Joomla-powered solutions. No wonder we, at QArea, have decided to get involved: financially support and sponsor such a fascinating project as well as the community behind Joomla.

Joomla has a fast-growing community with global reach and lots of potential, and, as an Open Source solution, requires assistance and sponsorship from people and businesses who do care about technologies they are commonly using. This way a wider reach of people will manage to gain from updated versions of Joomla and the project will remain in place, and will continue delivering free solutions of finest quality. Sponsoring Joomla is an astonishing opportunity to repay the community for their efforts and, at the same time, we have gained great, long-term relationships with this community, hence we have improved some of our services as well. This sponsorship has transformed into an actual, strong partnership.

We are now provided with more than just technological solutions, we have gained something greater: support from a large, international community of truly talented people. We now have deeper understanding of Joomla-based projects, we are provided with guidance and advice, and that, added to our personal experience has granted us a truly powerful tool, that improves every single service we are providing clients with.

Ready to start your success story?
Guiseppe Cali street Ta’Xbiex, XBX, Malta
